Monday, October 12, 2015

{Greater Things Are Yet To Come}

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Do you ever have those days when it feels like you're driving down the highway in a convertible, the wind is blowing through your hair and face, and everything in life is going good? If so, I know you also have those days when it as if you are trying to crawl out of a deep well as bits of rocks and dirt are hitting you in the face. You might feel as if nothing more can go wrong or you might just wait for the good times to end because bad things are likely.

With God, life doesn't have to be a constant deviation between extreme highs and lows. Plain and simple, life is hard. Life never stops being hard. In school, your tested over concepts that just get harder and harder. If they stayed the same, we'd get bored naming shapes and colors for seven hours every day. We wouldn't increase in wisdom--something we should strive for (Luke 2:52). It's the same way with our spiritual walk. Each trial only increase our knowledge and grows us in our faith.
  • James 1:2-3 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

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Even when I think He has failed me, He's led me to something greater and I just haven't realized it yet. You could lose friend, a parent could die, you could lose everything important to you, your whole world could feel like it's falling apart. But He's always there, saying, "Just trust me."

You can dig your heels in like children often do and refuse to give yourself over to Him. You can try to reason with God or make excuses.  Or you can completely give yourself over to him and He can use you in mighty ways.
  • Peter 5:6: "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time."

When you do this, life is like a peaceful boat ride. You're in the middle of a pond (life) and it doesn't matter which direction you go; God's Will will prevail as long as you obey Him.. We must then trust that He will use us as He wants as He guides our decisions. However, we must be ready, like pliable clay in the hands of the Great Artist of the Heavens.
  • Esther 4:14: "Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created."
Lastly, God can open doors no man close and He can close doors no man can open. He will bless you abundantly if you only trust Him.