Wednesday, October 7, 2015

{Pause for Politics with a Partner}

Today, things are going to go a little differently. I have a friend with me, Katie, who has many strong opinions regarding today's politics.


MH: It's kind of ironic that the title of this website is, "Why I'm not Worried About Donald Trump." Katie, are you worried about Donald Trump?
KG: I am absolutely concerned about Donald Trump going for president. I like that he speaks his mind, but he has a tendency to completely degrade others.
MH: So you think his manners a little lacking and he needs more tact?
KG: Absolutely. Do we want someone to be our president who refers to women as "pigs?" He also routinely makes fun of anyone who calls him out for his personality.
MH: Very well said. What do you think about his immigration policies?
KG: It may sound easy to just "build a wall" across the Mexican border, but let's be honest. There is always going to be a way for people to get into this country. I do believe we should have stricter immigration policies, but I think that this country was founded by people of all backgrounds, so there needs to be a distinct path to outright citizenship.
MH: So seeing as Trump is probably not your first-choice presidential candidate, may I ask whom you do support?
KG: I really, really admire Carly Fiorina. I love her no-nonsense attitude, her fashion-sense, and her ability to "punch a shark in the head" so to speak. Watching her in the Republican debates, more specifically the second one, she really shined. She is somebody who I would want to lead this country. However, I do wonder about her time at HP, though.
MH: Anyone else you have in mind?
KG: Ben Carson is definitely on my radar. I watched him on Fox News just last night and his Christian ethical mindset is refreshing. He truly cares about this country and this isn't a popularity contest for him. He truly wants to change America for the better. Also, his wife is very intelligent and awesome. Also, I like Rubio, but I do not like that his wife has had something like 19 speeding tickets in her life. If you're running for president or you are the wife of a candidate, you should be obeying the law. No one is an exception.

So, now. It's time for you to decide for yourself. Who are you supporting for the 2016 presidential ticket? Regardless of your party, religion, or family, decide for yourself. Voting is not something to do just for fun or just to get a cool "I Voted!" sticker. Who resides in the White House can determine the extent of your freedoms in the future. Choose wisely.