Tuesday, November 25, 2014

{Starting Stuff}

Writing: something enforced daily by those all around you. Write the alphabet. Write your name. Write a paragraph. Write a 5-page argumentative essay on why The Crucible makes you want to scream. Although we sometimes might find such things trivial, it is actually to our benefit to complete such burdensome tasks.

Additionally, I find writing useful. Enjoyable. Relaxing. An outlet to which I can go to when I prefer being alone to the onerous task of interacting with high-maintenance humans. Okay, maybe I'm joking. Maybe I'm not. But really, I do find writing to be a pleasurable diversion to entertain myself with when I am not working, going to school and church, playing the piano, doing homework, and doing more homework.

So as I self-consciously ask myself the question of why I started this blog, I am writing this to remind me. Although the reason mostly being for myself, if you happen to be reading this, then I hope it is not a gigantic waste of your precious time. A real post is coming soon, I promise.

Thanks for stopping by. Stay warm, my friends!
