Thursday, January 1, 2015

{Identity Issues}

Society and social norms frighten me nowadays. The name of the following website sums it up pretty well though - Opposing Views.

Read before continuing:

Now I'm no psychology expert, but I think there is truly something wrong with this. I respect others' opinions, but hold mine firmly in place too.

I don't understand how someone just wakes up one day and decides to switch genders just because they want to or because they recently found their true "identity." Genesis 1:27 states, "So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; make and female he created them." It doesn't say he created them "whatever-gender" or "to be determined by them personally." It says "male and female HE created THEM." So is this sudden epiphany justified or just crazy and far-fetched? You must make up your own mind; no one can make it for you unless you let them.

Another thing I see an issue with (regarding Shiloh) is her (yes, her) age. She is eight, not eighteen. There is a good reason that eight year-olds do not have voting rights, driving privileges, or the ability to live independently. I don't think I even picked out my own outfits when I was eight! I have heard of multiple instances when a child, well under the age of ten, decides that they are going to switch genders. The parents do not tell them, "no, honey, you're a girl and that's how it goes" or "son, you're a boy and you'll stay one." They simply condone the irrational behavior and change their wardrobe, hair, name, and identity. How is a child to know that this is wrong? They will grow up accepting it as a norm. Maybe if the parents explained life to their child instead of just following their orders, the child would realize how it really works. You're born a gender and you die the same gender. Parents are there to teach their children what is right and appropriate, not to be taught by their children. Proverbs 22:6: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."

Another thing that must be understood is: Children go through phases. They're easily distracted, indecisive, and have large imaginations! Just because a little boy plays dress-up and grabs a purse or bag does not make him a girl or necessarily even mean he thinks he is a girl. For example, a little boy I know went through a phase a while back for five whole months after seeing the movie "Frozen"....five times. He has four older sisters and he didn't really have a choice, ha. He only responded to the name "Elsa," told everyone he was The Queen, and constantly ran around throwing his magical ice powers at people or castles...all while singing "Let it Go." His parents did not grow his hair long, put him in girly dresses, and change his name to Ashley. His dad constantly, but gently, reminded him of his real name and identity.  

I think that is similar to what God does for us! We are given the privilege to make our own choices, but He is always there - reminding us of who we really are and who we were meant to be.

Lastly, our identity is found in Jesus Christ! He tells us so many things through His Word:

  • We are a new creation - 2 Corinthians 5:27
  • We become God's children - Galatians 3:26
  • We are one part of a larger body - Romans 12:5
  • We can never be separated from God's love - Romans 8:39
  • We are the light and are to live like it - Ephesians 5:8
  • We labor not in vain - 1 Corinthians 15:58
  • We have redemption - Ephesians 1:7
